Archive for 2013

[Fixed] Error Adding Microsoft App-V 5.0 SP2 packages to RES Workspace Manager 2012 SR4

Adding App-V packages that were sequenced in Microsoft App-V 5.0 SP2 into RES Workspace Manager 2012 SR4 ( results in the following error messages being displayed:

An Error occured during the execution of a procedure.
Contact your administrator or helpdesk with the following info:
Prog: pwrtech.exe
Procedure: sharedPF8.fysnHasChildNodes
Error: (91) Object variable or With block variable not set
Machine: <machine name>
Program will resume normal operation...

This App-V package contains no shortcuts
for RES Workspace Manager to import.

This is a known issue with RES Workspace Manager 2012 SR4. RES is currently working on a fix.

Update 02-01-2014: This bug has been resolved in RES Workspace Manager 2012 SR4 Revision 3 (, available upon customer request at RES Software. From the release notes:

"Microsoft App-V 5: Packages sequenced with Microsoft App-V 5 SP2 could not be imported in Console
Microsoft App-V 5.0 packages that were sequenced with Microsoft App-V 5 SP2 could not be imported in the RES Workspace Manager Console. This was caused by a change in the layout of Microsoft App-V 5 packages. When importing such packages (at Composition > Applications), the following error was displayed:

"Error (91) Object variable or With block variable not set" 

This has been resolved."

Workaround for those unable upgrade at this time

Packages that benefit from the added features of App-V 5.0 SP2, such as Internet Explorer plug-ins Java and Flash can be published (globally) to the client as they contain no shortcuts and require no interaction with RES Workspace Manager.
However, if you require a shortcut/application that has to be managed by RES Workspace Manager you should sequence the packages in App-V 5.0 SP1 or earlier versions. This means an application such as Adobe Reader which contains both a browser plug-in and an application may require two seperate packages. Alternatively you could to allow the App-V client to manage the shortcuts.

Fix: "The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server License Servers available to provide a license."


In a Citrix XenApp environment the following error is displayed, even though Terminal Server License Servers and appropriate licenses are available:
"The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server License Servers
available to provide a license.
Please contact the server administrator."


Remove the following registry key:


Warning: applying this .reg file will remove data from your registry. Please make sure you have a back-up.

NetApp: invalid format in the /etc/rc file

The following error is displayed in NetApp OnCommand System Manager:

"Invalid format in the /etc/rc file
Active operations on network interfaces are disabled as the /etc/rc file does not adhere to the expected format. Modify the /etc/rc manually to enable the active operations."

Invalid format in the /etc/rc file
The contents of /etc/rc were as follows:

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Nov 28 09:46:28 CET 2012
ifgrp create single svif e1a e0a
ifconfig svif `hostname`-svif partner svif mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M partner e0M mtusize 1500
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.domainname toaster.lan
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off
ifgrp favor e1a

The correct sequence of the commands is:
  1. hostname
  2. vif / ifgrp
  3. vlan
  4. ifconfig
  5. vfiler
  6. route
  7. routed
  8. options
  9. savecore

The command ifgrp favor e1a is out of sequence and needs to be moved up.

You can manually edit /etc/rc through the administrative share \\toaster\c$ and a text editor.

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Nov 28 09:46:28 CET 2012
ifgrp create single svif e1a e0a
ifgrp favor e1a
ifconfig svif `hostname`-svif partner svif mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M partner e0M mtusize 1500
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.domainname toaster.lan
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off

Installing Citrix XenServer 6.2 from a USB drive

Below is a quick and easy method to create a bootable XenServer USB drive from Windows.

  1. Download the XenServer 6.2 ISO.
  2. Download and run Universal USB Installer.
  3. Select "Try Unlisted Linux ISO".
  4. Browse to your XenServer ISO.
  5. Select your USB Flash Drive Letter.
  6. (Optional) If your drive is not yet FAT32 formatted check "Format X:\ Drive (Erases Contents)".

Universal USB Installer
  1. Click Create.
  2. Enjoy...
Citrix XenServer Setup

Fix Exchange 2003 Outlook Web Access (OWA) Compatibility with Internet Explorer 10


Outlook Web Access (OWA) does not display properly on Internet Explorer 10. CSS code is displayed at the top of the page. Javascript doesn't load properly and the list of messages keeps displaying the message "Loading...".

Outlook Web Access (OWA) on Internet Explorer 10


Outlook Web Access (OWA) is incompatible with Internet Explorer 10.


You can implement a work-around on the client, or centrally on your Exchange server.

Client Side

  1. Press F12.
  2. Set Browser mode to Internet Explorer 10 Compatibility mode.


Server Side

Add the HTTP header "X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE8" to Exchange. This header will instruct Internet Explorer 10 to render Outlook Web Access the "old-fashioned" way.

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Navigate to Websites, Default Websites.
  3. Open Properties for Exchange.
  4. Open the tab HTTP Headers.
  5. Click Add...
  6. Custom header name: "X-UA-Compatible" (without the quotation marks)
  7. Custom header value: "IE=EmulateIE8" (without the quotation marks)
  8. Click OK. 

Custom HTTP header for OWA
You need to restart your webbrowser for the changes to take effect.

No Screen Updates using Citrix Receiver 3.4 with Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0

One of our supliers initially reported this problem when they tried to log on remotely. Our admins, who were running the latest version of Citrix Receiver (3.4) because they're working on a new XenApp environment, could reproduce the problem. Therefore we first thought it was a general issue with the legacy farm. Fortunately this was not the case.

  • Sessions seems slow, unresponsive. User input does not seem to be processed. This applies to seamless applications and desktops.
  • It seems like ICA screen updates are not received, although bytes are received when you check network traffic information in the Connection Manager.
  • After pressing Shift+F2 (toggle seamless mode) you will suddenly notice the screen updates that resulted from your input.

The Citrix Web Interface is enumerating applications normally. ICA sessions to the terminal server are succesfully established. This ruled out authentication, XML and STA related issues.

Turns out this was simply an ICA client related problem. Citrix Receiver 3.4 seems incompatible with the Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 legacy farm. At least when using session reliability.

Update: the issue persists in Citrix Receiver 4.0.

Use Citrix Receiver 3.3 or earlier.

... or (thanks to this post), you can set DeferredUpdateMode to False by editing your Windows registry.

On 32-bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Seamless Windows\

Download and import .reg key

On 64-bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Virtual Channels\Seamless Windows\

Download and import .reg key

A reboot is not required.

Using PowerShell and ExMerge to Export Exchange 2003 Mailboxes to PST

To (bulk) export mailboxes from Exchange 2007 and higher versions you can use the Export-Mailbox command from PowerShell. Exchange 2003 utilizes Microsoft Exchange Server Mailbox Merge Wizard (ExMerge).

Starting ExMerge from PowerShell is possible through the Start-Process command. However, ExMerge requires a few specific parameters, including two files that define your servers and directories, and the mailboxes you want to export respectively.

In the PowerShell script below you can see a working example of how to incorporate ExMerge into PowerShell. After exporting the mailbox, the script renames the PST to <username>_backup.pst and moves it to the user's home directory but you're free to modify this behaviour.

This script depends on the free PowerShell Commands for Active Directory by Quest, which you can download here, and include by configuring your scripting environment, or you by adding the following line to the script:

Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement 

Make sure ExMerge and the Exchange System Management Tools (if not run on the Exchange server) are installed and that your account has sufficient permissions to access the mailboxes (accounts must be enabled!). Configure the variables below "# Variables" to match your environment. Specify the user or users who's mailbox you'd like to export in the $usernames variable. Of course you could replace this with a clever query on Active Directory.

# 18-04-2013, D. Thijssen
# This script performs the following actions for one or multple users:
# 1. Export mailbox contents to .pst file
# 2. Move .pst file to user homedirectory
# Prerequisites:
# 1. ExMerge must be installed
# 2. Mailbox must be enabled and accessible

# Variables
$exchangeServer = "YOUR_EXCHANGE_SERVER"
$domainController = "YOUR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER"
$dataDirectoryName = "C:\PowerShell\exportMailbox\"
$iniFile = "C:\PowerShell\exportMailbox\exmerge_batch.ini"
$fileContainingListOfMailboxes = "C:\PowerShell\exportMailbox\mailboxes_batch.txt"
$exMergeLocation = "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\ExMerge.exe"

# Array of users to disable (comma-seperated strings containing usernames)
$usernames = "username1", "username2"
foreach ($username in $usernames) {
      if (Test-Path $iniFile) {             Remove-Item $iniFile       }       if (Test-Path $fileContainingListOfMailboxes) {             Remove-Item $fileContainingListOfMailboxes       }       $user = Get-QADUser -SamAccountName $username -IncludeAllProperties       $user.legacyExchangeDN | Out-File $fileContainingListOfMailboxes       "[EXMERGE]",       "SourceServerName=$exchangeServer",       "DomainControllerForSourceServer=$domainController",       "DataDirectoryName=$dataDirectoryName",       "FileContainingListOfMailboxes=$fileContainingListOfMailboxes" | Out-File $iniFile       $arguments = "-b", "-d", "-f $iniFile"       Start-Process -FilePath $exMergeLocation -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait       $source =  $dataDirectoryName + (($user.legacyExchangeDN).Substring(($user.legacyExchangeDN).LastIndexOf("cn=")+3)) + ".pst"       $target = ($user.HomeDirectory) + "\" + ($user.mailnickname) + "_backup.pst"       Move-Item -Path $source -Destination $target       if(Test-Path $source) {             Write-Host "User mailbox could not be exported."       } else {             Write-Host "User mailbox has been exported."       } }

Fix 'Access is denied' Error on Citrix Access Gateway Web Interface

Access is denied. Please contact your system administrator.
After installing a new certificate on your Citrix NetScaler/Access Gateway the list of applications is not displayed. Instead the applications pane (left frame) that normally contains the application list displays an error: "Access is denied. Please contact your system administrator." But that, unfortunately in this case, is you.

Encrypted communication between the Access Gateway and the Citrix Web Interface cannot take place, because the latter does not hold the correct (renewed) certificate.

"Certificates" MMC Snap-in
Import the certificate on your Citrix Web Interface server(s).

In order for this to work you need to have the certificate in .pfx format. If necessary you can convert your certificate using OpenSSL. You can use the "Certificates" MMC Snap-in to import the certificate into the "Trusted Root Certificateion Authorities" store.

The certificate is issued to a host name or FQDN. The certificate is only valid if it can communicate with the Access Gateway using this host name. In some cases you might need to modify the hosts file on your Web Interface server to include the line:       <ip adres of CAG>

This is the same address that's specified in the Secure (Client) Access settings of your Access Platform / XenApp Web site.

Edit Gateway Settings (Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0)
Specify Gateway Settings (Citrix XenApp 6.5)

Installing Windows Phone 7.8 on a HTC HD2 (Leo)

Here is a step-by-step, illustrated guide to installing a Windows Phone 7.8 custom ROM on your HTC HD2 (Leo).

Windows Phone 7.8 on HTC HD2