Archive for July 2013

NetApp: invalid format in the /etc/rc file

The following error is displayed in NetApp OnCommand System Manager:

"Invalid format in the /etc/rc file
Active operations on network interfaces are disabled as the /etc/rc file does not adhere to the expected format. Modify the /etc/rc manually to enable the active operations."

Invalid format in the /etc/rc file
The contents of /etc/rc were as follows:

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Nov 28 09:46:28 CET 2012
ifgrp create single svif e1a e0a
ifconfig svif `hostname`-svif partner svif mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M partner e0M mtusize 1500
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.domainname toaster.lan
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off
ifgrp favor e1a

The correct sequence of the commands is:
  1. hostname
  2. vif / ifgrp
  3. vlan
  4. ifconfig
  5. vfiler
  6. route
  7. routed
  8. options
  9. savecore

The command ifgrp favor e1a is out of sequence and needs to be moved up.

You can manually edit /etc/rc through the administrative share \\toaster\c$ and a text editor.

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Nov 28 09:46:28 CET 2012
ifgrp create single svif e1a e0a
ifgrp favor e1a
ifconfig svif `hostname`-svif partner svif mtusize 1500
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M partner e0M mtusize 1500
route add default 1
routed on
options dns.domainname toaster.lan
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off

Installing Citrix XenServer 6.2 from a USB drive

Below is a quick and easy method to create a bootable XenServer USB drive from Windows.

  1. Download the XenServer 6.2 ISO.
  2. Download and run Universal USB Installer.
  3. Select "Try Unlisted Linux ISO".
  4. Browse to your XenServer ISO.
  5. Select your USB Flash Drive Letter.
  6. (Optional) If your drive is not yet FAT32 formatted check "Format X:\ Drive (Erases Contents)".

Universal USB Installer
  1. Click Create.
  2. Enjoy...
Citrix XenServer Setup
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